CPF BC & Yukon Membership

  • Canadian Parents for French (CPF) promotes French-second-language learning opportunities for young Canadians.
  • BC Family French Camp enjoys the support of CPF BC & Yukon and for that all campers are required to be members in good standing.


At the time of registration you will need to show proof of your existing CPF membership that expires September 1, 2020, or later.

This can be either:
  1. a photocopy of your membership card or
  2. a screenshot of your profile page on CPF National’s member data base: http://cpf.ca/en/membership/online-membership-management. If you are becoming a new CPF member or submitting a renewal registration to CPF, download and complete a CPF membership form [PDF] and enclose this membership form along with a separate current dated cheque or money order payable to Canadian Parents for French.
Do not mail your membership form directly to Canadian Parents for French as this will delay your BCFFC registration from being processed. Please included your completed CPF membership form and cheque for CPF in your registration envelope. See our FAQs page for more info about registration. If you have any questions about your CPF membership status, please contact CPF National’s membership services.


  • Learn how to support your children as they learn French, even if you don’t speak French
  • Find French educational resources, and research on second language learning
  • Create social opportunities for your children to experience and use their French
  • Information about youth exchanges, bursaries, and work experience
  • Socialize and share experiences with parents of similar interests and needs
  • Members-only benefits including: camps, provincial and national conferences, discounts, and access to the members-only section of the CPF website
  • Have a voice in decisions about French Second Language education and programs in our schools
  • Preserve and grow quality FSL education in our schools
Remember, 80% of your membership fee goes right back to your local chapter!
That means more fun events in schools, more resources for parents, teachers and students, and more extra-curricular activities in French for our kids! Click here to become a member and click here to find a chapter near you!