Hello BCFFC Families (past and present).
As a follow up to my previous email regarding low attendance for camp this year, I have another huge favour to ask of you. To donate to BCFFC.
As you know, COVID was very hard on our camp and our registration numbers are very low for BCFFC 2023. This added to the loss of some key grants, and the rise in minimum wage (which we are happy to pay) have left us in a very dire financial situation that could not be planned for.
We’re asking for donations of any kind and without them we will not be able to run camp this year.
Direct email transfers can be sent to
Or via PayPal donation link
I think it’s important that you know, the committee members have done (and will do) everything we can to get out of this situation. We have started hunting for more grants, have moved to a virtual AGM, and have volunteered to give back honorariums that committee members have been entitled to for years. Also a reminder that this is a volunteer run organization.
With this being the 40th anniversary of BCFFC I sincerely hope you can find the means to help out our beloved camp. As soon as we’re in the clear, I’ll make sure to let all of you know as soon as we can.
Thank you in advance,
Bill Omand
Central Coordinator, President
BC Family French Camp