Junior Moniteurs
A Junior Moniteur is a bilingual boy or girl, 16-18 years of age, with a love for outdoor adventure, camping, and children. Juniors work as Moniteur assistants, under the direction of the Program Director, Moniteur Mentor, and Camp Co-ordinator. Junior applicants should be local residents of the area where the camp they wish to work at is held.
How could my teenager become a Junior Moniteur?
A young adult interested in a position as a Junior must submit the following to the Co-ordinator of the camp he/she would like to work at:
- résumé with a handwritten cover letter (please include birth date and current grade)
- French Immersion School grades
- three references with at least one being a school reference
- Previous BCFFC experiences if applicable
What are the responsibilities of a Junior Moniteur?

The Camp Co-ordinator will contact all Junior applicants to discuss the details of the position. Successful applicants and their guardians will be required to sign a contract (see the Junior Moniteur Agreement) indicating their understanding and acceptance of the expectations of BCFFC and agreement to abide by these expectations.
What are my responsibilities if I volunteer to “Host A Junior” during my camp week?
As a host family you will:
- provide a safe and secure family environment at your campsite. You will also supply breakfast each day (their lunch and dinner are covered through the “invite a Moniteur to lunch/dinner program”)
- provide space for their small tent (they are responsible for their camping gear)
- treat them as you would your own child (maybe it is your teenager)
- make sure they turn in by 10:00 p.m., unless other arrangements have been made
- contact the Program Director, Camp Manger, or Local Co-ordinator should any problems, concerns, or questions arise