Vancouver Island Week at a Glance

VI Week at a Glance

This is an example from a previous year to give you an idea of how camp is structured. This
year’s actual schedule for your child’s program will be sent to you before camp starts.

BCFFC Acronyms:

CB – Les Courier des Bois Program
AV – Les Aventuriers Program
LC – Les Créatifs Program
LE or LX – Les Explorateurs Program
FLA – Formation des Leaders Adolescent Program
Momos – Moniteurs (camp counselor)


1:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Check-in at the Registration table near the entrance of the
Living Forest. Bring cash for BCFFC swag like mugs and flower sticks.
7:00 PM – Camp orientation and Welcome skit by Moniteurs at the Stage (AKA Gravel Field)
8:00 PM – Parents and children of Grade 5 (Les Explorateurs) and higher groups to meet with their Momos to discuss the out trips. 
9:00 PM – Adults Only Gathering. Wine and cheese, BYOB and snacks. Meet other parents and all the Momos at the Gravel Field.


9:00 AM – All programs start. All children gather in the gravel field before heading off on their activities. Please leave bikes and dogs outside the gate.
CB and FLA kayak to Pirates Cove and camp for 2 nights.
9:30 AM – Parent meeting at the stage – VERY IMPORTANT
11:00 – AV leave on bike and LC drives to the ropes adventure course at Wild Play
11:45 AM to 1:30 PM – Lunch every day.
1:30 PM – LX go the climbing gym at the Romper Room
4:00 PM – Program ends for the day, every day, except as noted.
6:30 PM – Communal Dessert – Bring a dessert to share with others AND a plate & fork.
7:00 PM – Skit at the Stage


9:00 AM – All children not on overnight camping meet at the Stage to begin the program.
AV bike to Gabriola Ferry terminal for overnight camp at Descano Bay. LE bike to the Beban swimming pool for the day.
7:00 PM – Skit at the Stage with Family games.


9:00 AM – All children not on overnight camping meet at the Stage to begin the program.
9:30 AM – Parent meeting 
3:00 PM – Early dismissal to attend Triathlon
3:30 PM – Parent vs Momo Triathlon at the Beach.
5:00 PM – Teen program and family (AV, CB, LC, & FLA) potluck.
7:00 PM – Skit at the stage
9:00 PM – ‘Lullabies under the Stars’ for all and ‘Sleep Under the Stars’ for the
children. Both at the grass area behind Stage


No program. Enjoy the day off and explore Nanaimo or chill at your campsite.
9:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Regular program, CB and FLA will move to Parksville Beach
for the day. LX will go to Top Bridge (near Parksville) for swimming. All leave by
bus after the morning gathering.
9:00 AV kayak to Newcastle (Saysutshun) Island for overnight. LC take the ferry
across and meet them for the overnight.
6:30 PM – Parent vs. Moniteur Volleyball Game – dress up a little or a lot.
7:00 PM – Quebecois Skit night at the Stage


9:00 AM – 11:45 PM – All children not on overnight camping meet at the Stage to begin program. CB bike to Westwood Lake to swim.
9:30 AM – FINAL PARENT MEETING – Evaluations, offer feedback 
1:30 PM – 4PM– Momo Mania for children in camp. Children choose
their favourite activity from the week.
5:00 PM – Communal Potluck Dinner (bring food, plates and utensils); 
6:30 PM – Skit Finale, Group Performances, Parent Group Performances, T-shirt
signing. Bring a flashlight and Sharpie! 


11:00 AM – Check out. Drive safely and see you next year.

Program Highlights for Vancouver Island

The program changes slightly from year to year based on numbers, availability and weather but here is a general overview of the programs at Vancouver Island Camp:

  • Regular Program (for children who have completed kindergarten to grade 4 prior to camp)— fun filled adventures and games around Living Forest Oceanside Campground lead by their Momo, also a day off site at the beach in Parksville.
  •  Les Explorateurs – (those who have completed grade 5 or 6) lots of the same fun and games as their younger siblings and a bicycle trip to the local aquatic centre and rock climbing at an indoor climbing wall
  • Les Créatifs — Overnight camp out on at Newcastle (Saysutshun) Island with their friends in Les Adventurier, a Wild Play ropes course adventure. This program may result in a physical or performing art piece by the end of the week.
  • Adventurier — a bicycle to the WildPlay ropes course adventure, one overnight Cycling trip on Gabriola, and an overnight kayaking trip to Newcastle (Saysutshun) Island.
  • Les Coureur de Bois —2 day overnight kayak trip to De Courcy Island, the other days may include: biking to WildPlay ropes course adventure, biking to Westwood Lake for a swim, busing to Parksville Beach for volleyball and other beach activities, or hiking and swimming at Heart Lake.